Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's just a ... MESH!

Although the Lindens are still working on getting all servers upgraded to mesh capability, at Trowix -- we have MESH!  One of the meshy things Trowa made in preparation for the mesh upgrade is now a gift for our group to see, feel, mush, smush, poke, bend and spindle.  It does require a mesh viewer & a mesh enabled sim. 

Ahhh, Sake cups!  or are those computer keys?  Both!
 ^^ Just a little reminder that sometimes you have to restart to get the results you want. 

A little dark, but you can see the smooth texture and shine.

I love how the subtle curves are handled so well.
 ...but, as nice a mesh looks, it will not replace sculpts.  Sometimes a mesh will be advantageous, and sometimes a sculpt...sometimes a prim, too.  
You just need to know the difference...
Trowix knows the difference!  : )

You can receive your group gift here, at the Barn.
Thanks for stopping by!

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