Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tea Cart... Wait. Flower Cart!

No matter what you call it, it will still be as cute!  

A wonderful, fun sculpt for all the empty corners in your Second Life.  Anything displayed on this beauty looks fabulous.  Vix started piling everything from breadboxes to flowers on it.  
On with the pictures:

Details, details, so many details!  Still only 16 prims.

Love this wonderful curvy handle & shadows for every piece!

Detailing like this makes it easy to be realistic with texturing.

Mmmm!  Pile on the flowers, the pots.  Make a garden on wheels!

A more contemporary version.  It's easy to fit this cart into so many styles.

 You'll find this beauty at the Trowix Barn and on Second Life's Marketplace.
Come join us for tea!  We're expecting you!  : )

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